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I have written here about Mpix before. I don’t remember when I first heard of Mpix, but after my first order, I was SOLD. I order images and other photo products from Mpix because I know the quality will be great and I’ll be happy.

So in my continued efforts to share email communications from brands that I really enjoy and am impressed by, I present this recent email from Mpix, telling us about their slow season, and what they do during that time. Take a look:

Another set of thumbs up to Mpix for continuing to deliver quality email content that isn’t always directly trying to sell us something.

This kind of content is sadly missing from many companies, companies that DEFINITELY have processes and such that are not trade secrets and that would be interesting to their customers.

Email ideas for companies that make things:

  • Our product development timeline
  • Product and/or company facts
  • Employee features – what do they do, how do they fit into the entire process
  • Customer features – who are they, how do they use our products

I will keep looking forward to more emails from Mpix.

